you can use the library in form of single header file in
directory. The files ininclude
are exactly same but in the form of .hpp/.cpp files, which you need to compile and link with.
A simple and efficient wrapper for SQLite3 for C++11
The Goals of SQLiteCpp are:
- to be a Simple and Efficient wrapper over SQLite3
- to keep deficiencies to a minimum (SQLite3 and C++11 STL)
- to design a good Wrapper using Modern C++
- to support all SQLite constraints and clauses
- to support for-each loop
- to support Unicode
Creating a table, inserting values in it and then printing them
try {
//Creates a SQLite connection object
Sqlite::SqliteConnection connection("myProfile.db");
// sqliteExecute(connectionOb, "query"); executes a SQLite query, in this case creates a table
sqliteExecute(connection, "create table myResume (skills text, proficiency int DEFAULT 5)");
sqliteExecute(connection, "insert into myResume(skills, proficiency ) values (?, ?)", "C++", 7);
sqliteExecute(connection, "insert into myResume(skills, proficiency ) values (?, ?)", "C", 6);
sqliteExecute(connection, "insert into myResume(skills) values (?)", "libCurl");
for (auto row : Sqlite::SqliteStatement(connection, "select skills, proficiency from myResume")) {
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(8) << row.getString() << " : " << row.getInt(1) << std::endl;
catch (const Sqlite::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.errorMessage_ << '(' << e.errorCode_ << ')';
C++ : 7
C : 6
libCurl : 5
Creating a Sqlite::SqliteStatement and using it multiple times
try {
//Creates a in-memory database
const Sqlite::SqliteConnection connection = Sqlite::SqliteConnection::memory();
sqliteExecute(connection, "create table IF NOT EXISTS myResume ("
"skills text NOT NULL, "
"proficiency int DEFAULT 5 "
"CHECK (proficiency <= 10)"
//Creates a SQLite statment and binds the values in it
Sqlite::SqliteStatement statement(connection, "insert into myResume(skills, proficiency ) values (?, ?)", "C++", 7);
//Executes SqliteStatement
//Resets the values that are bind to the SqliteStatement
statement.reset("C", 6);
statement.reset("Boost", 7);
statement.reset("MySQL", 6);
statement.reset("SQLite", 7);
std::cout << "the list of my skills in order of proficiency are:" << std::endl;
for (auto row : Sqlite::SqliteStatement(connection, "select skills, proficiency from myResume ORDER BY proficiency DESC")) {
std::cout << std::left << std::setw(8) << row.getString() << " : " << std::right << std::setw(6) << row.getInt(1) << std::endl;
catch (const Sqlite::exception &e) {
std::cout << e.errorMessage_ << '(' << e.errorCode_ << ')';
the list of my skills in order of proficiency are:
C++ : 7
Boost : 7
SQLite : 7
C : 6
MySQL : 6
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate .
Distributed under the MIT License
Note on redistribution of SQLite source files
As stated by the MIT License, you are welcome to reuse, modify, and redistribute the SQLiteCpp source code the way you want it to, be it a git submodule, a subdirectory, or a selection of some source files.
I would love a mention in your README, a web link to the Sqlite repository, and a mention of the author, but none of those are mandatory.